What is real?

1. What do you think is real?

Well I’m glad that the question asks what do I THINK is real as opposed to what IS real. The answer to what do I think is real is an easy one, I would define real as something I can feel, taste, smell, see and hear which is pretty straight forward . Here’s an alternate view that makes you think though; does anybody really knows what IS real?, think of the movie ‘the matrix’ where Neo is not physically but mentally living in a virtual world created by machines. All he had ever known was that virtual world which he himself would have defined as ‘the real world’, little did he know in the real world he was sitting in a pod full of goop with his body rigged with sensors and cables which were harvesting his energy. He thought that world was real because he could feel, taste, smell, see and hear everything around him and that was all he knew. This brings me to a few complex and unanswerable questions; how do we know we are in the ‘real’ world ourselves?  granted in the matrix there were some glitches which could be detected but what if our world is just a perfect, glitch free version of the matrix? maybe in the real world you and I are just human guinea pigs for some research project which was set up for an experiment or to blow your mind even more what if we are actual real guinea pigs?……………maybe that one was a bit far fetched but the possibilities could be endless. This makes answering the question ‘what is real?’ very hard to determine, I can only give an answer to ‘what do I think is real?.

2. What could be 2 great things and 2 negative things about google glass?

Google glass is an interesting technical gadget but I think 2 good things about google glass is that it will make navigating around the world easier for everybody. You would never have an excuse of being lost because google glass could direct you no matter where it is you wish to go. Another good thing about google glass is capturing those picturesque moments when you really want to take a photo but by the time you get your smart phone or camera out the moment has gone. A couple of bad things that I think about google glass is that I believe it will dumb people down, nobody will retain any knowledge on anything anymore because they’ll just ask google glass the answer to everything, although that seems to happen a lot these days with google search anyway, but I think it may just take it a little to far. The other bad thing about google glass is the breach of other people’s privacy, taking pictures or videos of people without them knowing about it seems a bit dodgy to me.

3. Do you think that Facebook’s purchase of the Oculus Rift company is a good thing?

I think that Facebook’s purchase of the Oculus rift could be a good thing as long as they don’t try to turn it into some social media hub type thing. I think if they keep it separate to Facebook, as they say they are going to, It could become a great piece of technology using Facebook’s deep pockets.

4. Post a link to (or embed) an online video that demonstrates the use of either of these technologies and explain briefly what it is and why you have chosen it.

I found this video very interesting because it helps show where augmented reality is heading with these exciting new ideas, I also invite you to look at my augmented reality post where you will find some Playstation 4 augmented reality videos which show some uses of the fun side of AR.


One response to “What is real?”

  1. Clare says :

    Great to see your interest in AR too! 🙂

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